I’m Fay Skandsen
I grew up as a "tomboy" girl in a suburbs of Oslo, Norway. When I became a mum I realized I had a lot of fear of being a woman and embracing my feminine sides. I was so into being stong and effective, that I felt unsecure and weak if I leaned into my divine femininity,
I had a burnout in my 30ties, after giving birth to my gorgeous son. I had the "dreamlife, I had a beutiful son the perfect husband, the dreamhouse, but still I felt like something was missing. I was missing in my life. I was curious how to think and act differently, and I would say I got addicted to personal development and challenging myself. I have since made a life journey of research and exploration of the feminine. This has made me a into whole women, embracing both my masculine and feminine sides. Now I know that life is about having fun, not taking life to serious and be true to my inner Goddess.
I have been an entrepreneur since 2001, and from April 2009 I have been working with thousands of women helping them embrace their inner Goddess to have more success in their personal and business life.